Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Crazy Weekend

This is one for the books. It all started on the Thursday when my mom and grandmother came to visit and to help AJ and me move into a new apartment. Yes, we moved into a smaller, one bedroom unit in the same building and we love it! It's so cozy.

The day before my mom and grandmother came I hadn't been feeling great. I had symptoms of an infection all day Wednesday but by the time they got here Thursday, I felt great and my symptoms were gone! So we spent Thursday afternoon cleaning the apartment like crazy. We scrubbed and swiffered and vacuumed and everything. We took Thursday night off to have pizza and wine—Uppercrust again, of course.

Friday, I brought all my clothes down to the new apartment and my grandmother folded them and we put them away in drawers and the closet. My mom helped too but she had some appointments in the city throughout the day and she ran errands to grab some more cleaning things. We cleaned and organized all morning. Around 2, we decided to take a lunch break and I sat down to watch Halloweentown but I quickly fell asleep and missed the whole thing. My mom waited for the movers to bring in our dining room table and chairs.

We did a bit more cleaning and unpacking throughout the afternoon until it was time for an early dinner at 75 Chestnut. After dinner we did more unpacking and AJ and I spent our first night in our new place! All the while, I'm feeling great.

Saturday morning, AJ and I went up to my mom's apartment for breakfast and my back started hurting really bad. We chalked it up to muscular pain from moving and lifting stuff all day before. I took Advil, felt great, and we drove to Danvers to visit my grandmother's cousin who stuffed us with biscotti and sent us home with homemade dough to bake later that night. We also stopped at another cousin's pizzeria and Richardson's Dairy Farm to pick up a pint for later. We had dinner, ice cream, and watched Dateline and I felt great still.

Sunday morning at 5:40, I woke up shaking like crazy, I felt like I was spasming and I couldn't catch my breath. I woke up AJ and I thought maybe I was just shivering from being cold because my teeth were chattering so I tried to put another blanket on me but I could hardly move, I couldn't swallow water, and I could not take a deep enough breath to calm down. AJ called 911 and my mom and an ambulance took me to Mass General Emergency room. Once I got to the ER, I threw up and had a fever. It was crazy and scary.

My mom got there shortly after they got me in the ER and introduced me to my team of nurses, who were wonderful and put me at ease. They gave me an IV and did blood cultures and all that fun stuff. I was in my ER room for about 4 hours when they determined it was indeed a kidney infection. They had given me antibiotics at 7 am and wanted me to stay at the hospital for another round 12 hours later. I was super bummed, I was feeling better but the idea of staying the hospital that much longer immediately made me feel like crap again. At 10, they moved me to the observation floor and got me into a bed there where they gave me a ton more fluids and pancakes. Mom stayed with me while AJ ran home to change (we were both in pajamas still), have breakfast, grab clothes for me, and my book even though I said I didn't want to read. Clearly, he knows me well because I ended up reading a lot that day.

I slept on and off while we watched football on the TV. My room had a great view of the Charles River and Cambridge but I could only see it when I sat all the way up in my bed. Meanwhile, this entire time my grandmother is still at my mom's apartment with my dog. They were supposed to head back to Connecticut that day but decided to stay until Monday morning. I had another great nurse in the observation room and she started my second dose of antibiotics because she knew I was eager to leave and I ended up getting out of the hospital by 7:30. AJ called us an Uber and I was oh so so happy to be home!!

I was ordered bed rest for the next few days so I had to miss classes yesterday but I'm hoping to go tonight. I've been sleeping a lot. Monday I took 3 naps, Tuesday I stayed up all day to do homework but took a nap at 6:30 and woke up at 7:20 and got back in bed at 8:20. I'm writing this from bed in our, comfy new apartment. I'm feeling better but not completely myself. I'm on antibiotics for the next 2 weeks and have pain killers for my back.

I'm hoping to get back on the blogging bus now that we are  almost all done moving in and I'll have some doctor-ordered downtime for the rest of the week. I'd love to share photos of our new apartment-in-progress and AJ and I have some fun Halloween plans for Friday! Happy Wednesday all!

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