Sometimes I feel like publishing two posts in one day, and since my earlier post was just about clothes, I thought I'd post another one that's mostly words. Here are a few snippets of life around here lately.
- I bought one of those small cacti from Trader Joe's this week. I like having some form of plant life in my room but I don't have enough space for a big vase with an arrangement, so this tiny little cactus is the perfect fit! The edges are almost hot pink and the green jar matches my bedspread.
- I'm still reading The Group by Mary McCarthy. I feel like this is important to mention because it's the reason why I haven't posted more Currently Reading posts or Book Reviews. I'm nearing the end and it is a great book. The structure is far more different than I had anticipated and it deals with some subjects that are germane to the time period and since I'm not too familiar with it I find I get lost occasionally but I'm enjoying it and I'll get more into the specifics with a review!
- I have been spending many hours a day writing this past week which is great because I feel like I'm forming a habit and being productive. I set my alarm for 6 am every morning. Sometimes I'll pull my laptop into bed to get started early on a blog post or research for an article. Other days, I'll get up right away and start plotting my writing plans in a notebook. I've also been reading more websites about writing and publishing and I'm also looking for more ways to expand my blog and readership—slowly.
- I've been writing more for Collective Lifestyle, you can find all my articles here. I really enjoy it but sometimes I have difficulty coming up with good ideas!
- For the first time, one of my blog posts was posted on Facebook. AJ liked my post about The World Cup and Us so he asked if he could share it. Nervously, I said yes. I know that posting to Facebook is a sure fire way to get more readers and share, but it still makes me nervous!
- AJ and I have some fun plans set up for the weekend. I'll be spending time this afternoon with my sister because she leaves to visit her boyfriend in the Middle East—for a month!—tomorrow night. Saturday my sister and I will go to the Farmer's Market and at night AJ and I have dinner plans with our newly married friends. There will also be a fun Shakespeare Saturday post (finally!) coming up tomorrow morning so be sure to read it! And Sunday, we are going to a party two celebrate two of my cousins' graduations!
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