Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Literary Links

I love Buzzfeed and this article might just be the best thing they've ever published. Ernest Hemingway's  food diary really made me laugh, although I think his sentences would have been even longer. And Dan Brown's was perfect!

You may have seen my Summer Reading List for Collective Lifestyle, but the books I included would never have made this list of highbrow Beach Reads! The books are good, and what the books say about you are hilarious!

Another World Cup related links this week. What if there was a World Cup for writing? Who should partake?

I could easily make this entire post consist of links to Buzzfeed articles but that might be kind of bland considering most people read Buzzfeed on the daily. But anyway, here's another Buzzfeed list of books that all creative types should read. I'm already putting these books into my Amazon cart.

A Thought Catalog pairing of books and songs that are perfect for one another. I love Regina Spektor's Fidelity. Another pairing that would be good on the this list: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and the song Mad World by Tears for Fears.

Remember last week when I posted a link regarding the lack of soccer in literature? Well this article proves me wrong! Check out these books that do feature soccer and read like a baller. 

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