Thursday, June 26, 2014

On Blogging: Four Months In

About a year ago I wanted to start a blog but I didn't. I struggled to. I read multiple blogs on a daily basis. I would check the same blog a few times a day to make sure I wasn't missing a new post because I enjoyed reading blogs that much. It made me want my own.

But I didn't know how to make one. I didn't, and probably still don't really, know how to format a website and play with the HTML. I didn't know how I would get readers or what kind of content I'd even post! And because I didn't know any of this stuff, I was scared. I was scared that I would fail and disappoint myself so I just avoided it. But I still never got it out of my mind!

Four months ago, I finally just did it and wrote my first blog post! It made me happy and I kept writing posts. At first, they weren't really posts about anything in particular—they still aren't really, but who cares? I love putting together a simple post and hitting publish. It makes me feel great to have created a little something that's just out there in the online world now. I went on a writing binge last night and the feeling of completing so many posts made me really happy.

I like getting my writing out there, on Collective Lifestyle or other websites that feature articles, but I know that I don't have a lot of readers on my blog. That's ok, because I'm having a lot of fun without readers! If people enjoy reading what I write, great! I'd love for people to enjoy this blog and read it for their entertainment and happiness. But I hope that I would continue to write even if I never gain a following.

June has clearly been my most successful month as far as posting goes. I track my success and progress by the amount of posts I publish and I always try to beat the previous month. February, my first month, was easy to beat. In April, I slipped a bit and had one less post than March and in May, I only had a handful of posts more than the last two months. June is different, because I've really been getting into the swing of writing. I have over 20 posts and the month has not ended quite yet, although it did go fast!

As badly as I wanted to start a blog last year, I'm enjoying it far more than I imagined and I am so happy that I took the plunge to just write and publish! If I want to keep improving upon my number of posts each month, I have a lot of work to do for July! I may have to start posting multiple articles a day.

I'm excited to see where this blog goes and I know that, no matter what, I'll continue to have fun doing exactly what I'm doing right now!

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