Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Keeping Up

No, not with the Kardashians. With myself. I'm really proud of the writing I did in June. I love looking at the listed archives and seeing my number of posts grow each day. I love that I greatly increased the number of posts I published from May to June. The number almost doubled and I'm so proud of that!

That's why I don't want to fall back in July. I want to keep up with June. It reminds me of being college. If I made Dean's List one semester, I felt that I had to make it the following semester and so on because if I didn't, it would mean that I had slacked or failed from past performances. It's not necessarily sane, but it's motivating!

So, that's my goal. To write more than the 27 posts I wrote last month while still keeping up the quality of the content. I imagine that this goal will stick as I continue this blogging journey.

What about you? Do you have any goals—blogging or otherwise—for July? I hope your July is off to a great start!


  1. I'm with you, Elena, on the goal of 31 posts. I tried to do NaBloPoMo in February but I had too much work and only managed 13 for the month. Now I have a list of topics made up and hopefully that will help! Good luck to you on the blogging journey!

  2. I hope you're able to make your goal! I'll be right there along with you! Good luck to you too!
